Sunday, July 30, 2023

Optimizing Mobile Apps for App Store

App Store Optimization (ASO) is also named mobile App SEO or App store marketing. It's all about improving the overall visibility and downloads of the app inside an app store such as Apple App Store or Google Play Store. If you improve your impression, it will help support other goals such as traffic to your app and its downloads. 

The ASO process is used to improve the ranking of mobile apps directly within app stores like iTunes, Google Play and Windows Store. The improved ranking further results in app downloads, which is the ultimate goal of App Store Optimization.

Other goals are-

  • Boosting Brand Exposure 

  • Increasing Positive App Reviews and Ratings

  • Improving Volumes of App Reviews

  • Increasing Audience Engagement

How to Optimize Mobile Apps for the App Store?

Start your app optimization for the app store using these strategies.


Optimize App Title and Subtitle 

App title is an important element for App optimization. Because it's the first thing that a user sees in the first listing. So, it's the strongest ranking factor for both Google and Apple app stores. The title and app name should be under 30 characters, so you have to be pretty smart in how you use those characters. Try to add keywords in your app title and name and it should naturally fit for more engagement. For the Apple App Store, there should be an additional subtitle in which you can additionally add 30 more characters. 

Insert Keywords ( Apple App Store Only) 

In the Apple app store, there is a field on which keywords can be added to describe your app effectively and help it rank with the help of ASO. You can use relevant keywords, but you need to optimize the same in 100 characters or fewer. Use natural and competitive keywords to enhance app downloads. 

Write Engaging App Description 

The App description is critical for ASO strategy as it gives more opportunities to describe your app and its features. On Google Play, you will find a short description field where you need to engage the audience within 80 characters. Under a long description field, you are allowed to explain the app and its features and other details within 4 thousand characters. Optimizing the same helps your app rank high on user searches. Whereas on the Apple app store, you find only a long description field. 

Give sufficient time to write an engaging description that affects how users perceive your app. Write your app's purpose, its features and other important information that users should know. 

Add Visual Elements 

The download can improve your app ranking, so let your users install apps through text fields and compelling visuals. Try to add visual elements like videos and screenshots that are displayed on both app search results and app store pages. 

It improves your downloads, as visual elements show how your app works, how it will help users.



By using these strategies, you can optimize your app store. An ASO is an important aspect to enhance your app visibility and downloads. The higher-ranking apps often feature updated content. They work to reflect the user feedback in their ASO and improve their description by adding new features. It may sound tricky. And so. If you want assistance in the ASO process for your brand, contact Kutumbh Digital - a leading mobile app marketing agency in India. Contact Now! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Conducting SEO Audits for Technology Websites

Technology websites must know how well their website is performing to acquire more users and business. This can be greatly ensured by performing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) audits. One gets deeper and actionable insights into your website and the strategy to implement for better results. So experts have been performing the same for years that's why they know the importance of it. But many small e-commerce and IT organizations may not have SEO intelligence to perform this critical task. Some of them trust the best SEO agencies in India to carry out this task on their behalf.

Conducting SEO Audits for Technology Websites

If you want to know more about performing SEO audits for your online businesses, this article may benefit you!     

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit helps evaluate how effectively your web presence translates to business numbers. The audit's goal is to find foundational problems that are virtually affecting organic search performance. If you can properly perform an SEO audit, it is likely to find glitches that are preventing your website from functioning well. And these can be the possible results.

  • Technical SEO Issues

  • On-page SEO Issues

  • Website structure Issues

  • User experience Issues

  • Potential off-site Issues

  • Content Gaps and Opportunities

  • Competitive Marketplace Insights

You should perform your SEO audit regularly as it gives you information on your website performance accurately so that you can fix your website according to requirements. 

How to Perform an SEO Audit?

For performing an SEO audit on technology websites, you need to know the required steps. 


SEO audits focus on website crawling issues. By doing so, businesses can assess the current situation of your website by identifying the issues in it. Basically, crawling your website helps you set a baseline for the rest of your audit.

It is a great practice that helps you evaluate basic factors such as bounce rate, conversions and page views. Additionally, this helps you find out major issues that prevent your website to rank high on search engines such as broken links, page titles and meta-data or duplicate content. When you discover any issues, you can fix them. 

Page Speed

Page speed plays an important role in a website's performance. Because a fast website speed gives your users a good experience. On the contrary, if your website’s speed is slow, it may irritate its users resulting in abandoning your website. More so for e-commerce and fintech websites which are greater in numbers. People can quickly switch from your website to another with improved page loading speed. So, you need to maintain your page speed for better results. However, several issues prevent your website speed, such as incorrect page, content size and image size, etc. So, use SEO audit tools to determine the elements hindering your website’s speed. 

Check Your Website Content

Content is one of the most important factors that influence your website. Creating unique, creative and informative content helps it rank high on search engines. If your website is not performing well, you can perform a content SEO audit to spot potential issues in your content and fix them fast.  


Backlinks are also a crucial element of a website's performance. Because search engines can determine the quality of your website and whenever users search for relevant content on search engines, it prefers the link of your content. Therefore, you can improve your website’s performance by backlinks. 


SEO audit lets you know the performance of your website.You can even take help from experts to analyze your website performance. Kutumbh Digital, a leading SEO company in India, is one great support for you. Contact Now! 


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

PPC Targeting Strategies Based on Location, Demographics & Other Factors

A properly executed Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ad campaign helps brands reach their targeted audience and maximize their return on investment (ROI). You don’t need to chase everybody to click on your ads. You need to optimize your ads using smart PPC targeting strategies. Let’s delve into the key targeting strategies for PPC success, based on location, demographics and more. 

PPC Targeting Strategies Based on Location, Demographics & Other Factors

Location Targeting 

Location targeting is the most crucial step in PPC advertising. By using geographical areas, you can easily find out where ads will be displayed. Don’t forget to reach the right audience in the right location for better click-through rates.. Whether you are working in a specific city or country, location targeting helps make your ads suit the needs of audiences you want to target. 

Demographic Targeting 

It's necessary to understand your target audience for conducting a successful PPC campaign. You can create your demographic audience using their age, gender, income, education and more. By conducting market research or by analyzing existing customers, you can understand the demographic that aligns with your product and service. This information helps you create highly personalized ads and improve the click-through rates and conversion for your campaign. By working on your specific demographics, you can connect to your target audience on a deeper level and increase the chance of success. 

Device Targeting 

In the digital era, there is widespread use of tablets and smartphones, so it's important to improve your PPC campaigns for different devices. This device targeting helps you target specific devices or platforms. You can analyze your website analytics to determine the device your target audience generally uses. This process helps you deliver a consistent message across several platforms and optimize the chance of conversion and engagement. 

Interest-based Targeting 

To enhance the effectiveness of your PPC campaign, you can target the audience based on their interest and behavior. You can find out interested users by checking social media platforms. Start by knowing your target audience and their interests. Afterward, create custom content using relevant keywords and display them through ads.


This strategy is used by various businesses to focus on users who have used your website or app in the past. By using it smartly, you can display target ads to the audience who showed interest but may not have become your customers previously. This helps your brands work effectively and can also increase your chances of converting previous visitors into customers. You can make a list of such audiences based on their interests and the pages they visited previously. From this, you can show ads to them according to their needs and concerns. 


You can optimize your PPC campaign using these targeting strategies. By implementing these, you can increase your click-through rates and engage more audiences on your website. This may not be that easy! That's why many brands look for companies who could provide PPC services in India. If you are one of those, you can stop your search and contact Kutumbh Digital- the best PPC company in India. Contact Now! 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

As the digital marketing landscape evolves day by day, staying in the race is crucial for businesses to unlock their full potential. For that, they need to work hard, prepare strategies and implement them. For this, you can take help from Artificial Intelligence (AI), an important transformative technology that has come into existence. 

It is helpful for businesses for understanding the target audience and improving efficiency and automating repetitive tasks, etc. As AI can analyze data and perform technical tasks, businesses can use them for their digital marketing activities involving such tasks.  


AI is created to think and work like humans. It can take decisions in fractions of time and plan simple and quick execution. Now let’s discuss the role of Artificial Intelligence in shaping your digital marketing campaign. 

Benefits of AI in the Digital Marketing Era

Marketing Automation 

Automation means the use of technology to do more work where human inputs are minimized. AI automation tools are used to save time and resources and streamline repetitive marketing tasks. Now marketers save lots of time and creative endeavors that require human expertise because AI can handle all their repetitive tasks effectively. 

Enhanced Customer Experience and Personalisation 

AI machine learning algorithms can analyze user behavior and data to create personalized offers, content and recommendations. This helps connect to the target audience more effectively. And this increases customer satisfaction and leads to improved conversion and brand loyalty online. 

Helps Create Content 

Engaging and compelling content lays the foundation for successful digital marketing. AI can help marketers create content by optimizing headlines, generating automated content and even producing personalized videos. The algorithms of AI can analyze user behavior and preference to create content that resonates with individual users, increasing conversion and engagement. AI also helps create blog posts, marketing emails and landing pages and more. 

Capable of Predictive Analytics and Assists in Lead Scoring 

Markets can use AI analytical tools to forecast future trends and outcomes based on historical data. This makes the business capable of fulfilling customer needs and making proactive decisions. Also, AI helps in lead scoring and understanding high-quality leads based on their interactions, behavior and demographic data. This all helps marketers increase sales and maximize return on investment. 

Helps Optimize Ads

AI plays a vital role in Ad optimization and targeting. After analyzing user data, AI helps identify the most relevant audience and optimize ad campaigns accordingly. The analytical tools embedded in AI help in ad strategies by allowing you to adjust ad placements and various other parameters. As a result, the ads reach the right people at the right time, creating enhanced conversions on your campaign. 


Artificial intelligence has revolutionized digital marketing in multiple ways. Its ability to personalize experiences, optimize ads, predict outcomes and many more help marketers strategize and execute their campaigns. Businesses can use AI to create more personalized, targeted and impactful marketing campaigns that can benefit both marketers and customers. Marketers learn the use of AI by enrolling in some digital marketing courses or training institutes, which help them stay ahead in the dynamic digital marketing landscape. Artificial intelligence is beneficial in many ways. But since it’s in a nascent stage in most countries like India, brands still need human intelligence to be successful. So, to make your brand popular, you can contact Kutumbh Digital- a leading digital marketing agency in India, which helps your business in many ways. It helps you with engaging content, SEO best practices, catchy social media posts, effective ad campaigns, etc. Contact Now! 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Building Customer Loyalty Through Personalization and Segmentation

Building Customer Loyalty Through Personalization and Segmentation

Have you ever received a promotional email that seemed to be created specifically for you? Or clicked on an ad that featured a product you were truly interested in purchasing? If so, you have already experienced personalized marketing.

Personalized marketing refers to customizing your marketing strategies based on individual interests, behaviors and preferences. Customers will continue to transact with you if you continue to deliver them a personalized experience. Whereas segmentation helps you create groups of customers with similar qualities and send them your content. Furthermore, it also assists in improving and developing closer relationships with customers. A leading digital marketing agency in India helps brands with effective personalization and segmentation strategies.

In this article, we will explain what personalization and segmentation are, and why both of them are important to build customer loyalty. 

What is Personalized Marketing?

Personalized marketing is a method that helps create content for your audiences based on their behaviors, interests and preferences. It involves the process of using customer data to produce targeted and relevant content that connects with your audience on a personal level.

Personalized marketing can take various forms, from email campaigns that use a customer's name and purchase history to promote relevant products to retargeting advertisements that show them products they may have viewed a while ago. Instead of sending a general message that might not be pertinent to customers interests, use data and technology to create customized content

What is Customer Segmentation?

Customers are categorized into different groups based on shared characteristics. You can create segments by using data such as past purchases and spending patterns, usual spending amounts, etc. You can also use demographics for Customer segmentation. Demographics include their age, gender, ethnicity, religion and household size.

Using customer segmentation, you can communicate effectively with your customers. As a result, you may sell to your audience more effectively and manage customer service with greater details.

Why are Personalization and Segmentation Important to Build Customer Loyalty?

Personalized marketing is crucial for customer loyalty and retention because it contributes to the creation of a more customized and pertinent experience for customers. You can demonstrate to each customer that you are interested in giving them the finest experience by meeting their specific requirements.

In the segmentation case, when you use large amounts of data that you can access through platforms like Facebook, effectively, it helps you target your customers by running paid advertising. Furthermore, If you have a great understanding of your customer segments, you can easily generate more leads for your business by approaching them appropriately. 


All of us are aware of business competition, so building customer loyalty is important for creating a successful business. Businesses increasingly use personalized marketing and customer segmentation tools to create more engaging and targeted marketing campaigns to drive customer loyalty and retention. Kutumbh Digital,  a leading digital marketing company in India, can help you drive business using these marketing tools. Its expert marketers know how to create a successful marketing strategy. Contact Now!

Friday, June 9, 2023

Google Analytics 4 Guide for PPC

Google Analytics 4 Guide for PPC

User behavior dynamics are hard to gauge without a foolproof tool. Google Analytics 4 is a tool that helps you analyze users’ behavior on your website. It helps PPC advertisers analyze and track user engagement and conversion rates. We will talk extensively about using Google Analytics 4 for PPC, in this post. 

Advantages of Google Analytics 4 for PPC

As mentioned above, Google Analytics 4 helps you analyze user behavior across devices and platforms. It indicates how users interact with your website on mobiles, tablets and desktops. It also helps you track user behavior on social media and mobile apps.

What’s more, it helps you analyze the impact of various marketing channels on conversion rates. You can also know the channels that drive the most conversions by tracking the origin of the traffic. 

Features of Google Analytics 4 for PPC

If you use Google Analytics 4, it can offer you various features for PPC advertising:

  • Event Tracking: It helps you track page views, clicks and form submissions. It gives you an idea of user engagement and identifies specific areas where you can improve user experience.

  • User Properties: For effective PPC campaigns, you can use user properties to categorize your customers based on their interests, demographics, and other characteristics. It helps you create user-centric PPC campaigns.

  • Audiences: You can create custom audiences on the users’ demographics and behavior. This enables you to target specific groups of users with relevant messaging and offers.

How to Use Google Analytics 4 for PPC?

Follow these steps for PPC campaigns using Google Analytics 4-
  1. Set Up Google Analytics 4 on Your Website: For this, you are required to create a Google Analytics account. At the same time, follow what suggested by Google for new account creation. 

  2. Set Up Event Tracking: Event tracking enables you to track specific user actions on your website, like form submissions, video plays and clicks. For setting up event tracking in Google Analytics 4, you are required to create an event in the ‘Events’ section of your property.

  3. Create User Properties: User properties help you divide your customers based on  interests, demographics, and other characteristics. To create user properties in Google Analytics 4, you need to visit the ‘User Properties’ section.

  4. Create Custom Audiences: It helps you to target specific groups of users with relevant offers. To create custom audiences in Google Analytics 4, you are required to visit the ‘Audiences’ section of your property and create a new audience.

  5. Analyze your data: You can use the data to measure your campaigns and make right decisions. Reports given by Google Analytics 4 help you measure user conversion rates, engagement, and campaign performance. 


Google Analytics 4 helps you analyze your customers better and optimize your PPC campaigns for ROI-driven results. You can take help from experts to optimize your PPC campaign. Kutumbh Digital, a leading PPC company in India, is ready to help you. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Role of On-page and Off-page SEO in Website’s Ranking

Seo Kutumbh Digital

People generally don't go beyond Google’s first page when they search for products and services. So, follow the SEO best practices. Sooner or later, your website will appear on the first page. For creating effective SEO, you must pay attention to SEO’s two crucial components - On-page SEO and Off-page SEO. In this article, we are going to answer “what is SEO” and “How On-page SEO and Off- page SEO impact website’s ranking. A leading SEO company in India handles both these activities. 

What is SEO?

SEO is the method of optimizing your website’s ranking on Google and other search engines. This process helps you get more website traffic and ensure leads & conversions. Ultimately, the motive of doing SEO is to improve your website’s ranking, which then allows you great business. Optimizing SEO is considered one of the most important marketing strategies for any business. 

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO is beyond keyword optimization. It’s also about giving users a comfortable experience when they visit your website. Making changes to the page's HTML and content is one of the vital elements of on-page SEO. It guides the search engine about the structure of your website, including the website content, website accessibility, page speed, keywords and title. A strong On-page SEO assures your website ranks high on search engines. However, the results may take time. So, be patient and keep following the SEO best practices. On the other hand, having poor on-page SEO might negatively impact your website’s ranking and can lead to reduced business. 

What is Off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is also a process of enhancing the visibility of your website on Google’s top pages. So, your website can grab the attention of more people. Off-page SEO is a strategy that works on third-party websites to promote your business. Off-page SEO activities include social bookmarking, guest blogging, influencer marketing, answering questions on forums, etc.

How are On-page and Off-page SEO Effective for Website’s Ranking? 

For any business to succeed, it needs more customers. In online business, you can attract customers by optimizing your website’s SEO. SEO helps your business draw more traffic. But the question is - how can you optimize your website with SEO? You can do this by improving on-page SEO and off-page SEO.  You can optimize both of them following the practices shown above. Create backlinks, a part of off-page SEO, for your website by posting meaningful content on websites with a higher domain authority. Such backlinks make Google crawl your website more, resulting in getting your pages indexed faster. Quality backlinks matter! Blend your on-page and off-page SEO strategies effectively for desired results. 


Both on-page SEO and off-page SEO play a crucial role in your website’s ranking. Which means, if you have properly handled on-page and off-page SEO of your business, you can get more customers. For optimizing these, you can take the help from experts in the field. Kutumbh Digital, a leading SEO agency in India, is ready to help you. 

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